Quick post: 5 Reasons to get the Gillio Pocket Agenda

I'm a recent owner of a pocket agenda by Gillio and I'm really starting to love mine. However, it seems this style of planner is not so popular (even though Louis Vuitton also makes their own version). In thinking about this, I came up with 5 reasons why I like, or why one should get, the Gillio... Continue Reading →

Gillio Meet-up 2016

On the second weekend of March I went to the Gillio meet up. I arrived in Brussels on Friday late afternoon for the Pre-meet up dinner, and met some old and new faces. The whole weekend was just so much fun! I'm so happy and grateful to have been able to be there. And the generosity... Continue Reading →

Gillio Month!

Hi all! A lot has been going on since I last posted. Life is getting even more hectic! I have started another job and have sent in my resignation notice for my current job. So for the next 4 months or so I will be extremely busy with these two jobs, only having one free... Continue Reading →

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Crafter, planner and beauty addict

Steve Morton

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Planning with Printed Portal

Making Life More Organised

The Organizeaholic

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Looking through a frosty window...

Seeing the world a little differently

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A place to share my love of stationery, performing arts, books, photography, and anything else that strikes my fancy! ;)

I'm British, So Filofax

Adventures in Trying to Organize My Life