Not using your planner when life gets busy!

I posted this a while ago and realised that I didn’t share it here. September has been a doozy and I still struggle with not referring to my planner often enough when things really get hectic. Funnily enough, I still haven’t set up the A6 planner that I had to set up in the video either! 😂 I haven’t urgently needed to use it so its okay.

Rewatching this video was interesting because it reminded me of something else I had said. That perhaps it’s enough just to write things down and it’s not necessary to look every hour of every day into my planner. That my planner is there to serve me and not the other way round. Mind you, there are days that I do need to look often at what I’ve written down and I’m glad that it’s there when I do. What do you think? What kind of planner person are you?

‘Till next time,


2 thoughts on “Not using your planner when life gets busy!

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  1. It saved me yesterday, there was a niggling thought in the back of my mind that my library books needed renewing. I knew I had written it down, so I checked my filofax and there it was waiting for me to re read it. Saved me some money in fines

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